GeoMedia warehouses store both geometry and attributes for features in the form of columns within the tables of a database. Tables can be divided into two groups based on content. The first group contains meta-information about the formatting of the data, including coordinate systems, tables aliases, modification logs, a data table list, and a field level index. The second group is the list of tables that actually contain the geometry features and their attributes. For example, a single Microsoft Access .mdb or .accdb file or a single SQL Server database contains all the necessary information for an image.
Geomedia Coordinate System File
Coordinate system support exists for both reading and writing: in the best case, a GeoMedia warehouse that contains a defined coordinate system can be read and converted to any of the supported writer formats in FME which also support coordinate systems, with the same coordinate system name. If the coordinate system is not specifically identified to have the exact same defined name within FME, the attributes of the coordinate system are still transferred, producing an identical coordinate system in all but name. The reverse is also true: the writer can interpret any given FME coordinate system and convert it to either a named GeoMedia coordinate system or an equivalent created coordinate system.
One issue involves the type of projection used in a coordinate system definition which GeoMedia calls the Base Storage Type. This type can be set to one of projected, geographic or geocentric. Projected types are the usual case and are handled normally by FME, though it is notable that the storage center values from the GeoMedia coordinate system become built into the coordinates and are cleared in translated warehouses. All geographic types are represented in the Lat/Long coordinate system but remain identical in appearance. The storage center values here will represent how to convert the coordinates to radians since they will be provided in degrees, as is consistent with the way GeoMedia itself handles geographic types. Finally, the geocentric type is not supported by FME.
The autodt.ini file must contain a valid datum mapping between the current coordinate system datum and the WGS84 datum. (See the file for more detail. It is likely to be located in a folder such as C:\Program Files\GeoMedia Professional\Program\cssruntm\cfg\autodt.ini).
For the most part, spatial index creation should happen automatically for most known coordinate systems since the default for the writer creating them is Yes, and the registry key mentioned above should be set when GeoMedia is installed.
Our free csf converter online tools does not required any registrations and installations on your system, 100% free and online geomedia coordinate system file (.csf) converter tool. Open from any device with a modern browser like Chrome, Opera and Firefox.
We have 100% free online CSF tools and apps that does not required any registrations and installations on your system, here are few popular free CSF tools to View, Convert, Edit, Merge, Split, Compare and manage file metadata online from any device with a modern browser like Chrome, Opera and Firefox.
So the first screen asks you to browse for your sample text file. Furthermore, it want to know how the columns are formatted, and the row from which the actual text values begin (this is useful if you have column headers at the start of the file like in the example). I also selected a non-uniform row format since I have attributes (not including coordinates) on two separate rows.
These CSF files contain the filters used in CodeSuite, a collection of computer code analysis tools. This tool is used to automate a process called abstraction-filtration-comparison, a filtration system used to see if a computer program's elements have been copied from a protected program.
These CSF files contain the geographic data used in GeoMedia, a geographic information management system. You can create hard and soft copies of maps, analyze the data in real-time, validate the data, and publish and analyze mapped information.
Because of these limitations PostGIS defined extended EWKB and EWKT formats. They provide 3D (XYZ and XYM) and 4D (XYZM) coordinate support and include SRID information. Including all geometry information allows PostGIS to use EWKB as the format of record (e.g. in DUMP files).
You can create a table to store geography data using the CREATE TABLE SQL statement with a column of type geography. The following example creates a table with a geography column storing 2D LineStrings in the WGS84 geodetic coordinate system (SRID 4326):
A projected SRS uses a mathematical projection transformation to "flatten" the surface of the spheroidal earth onto a plane. It assigns location coordinates in a way that allows direct measurement of quantities such as distance, area, and angle. The coordinate system is Cartesian, which means it has a defined origin point and two perpendicular axes (usually oriented North and East). Each projected SRS uses a stated length unit (usually metres or feet). A projected SRS may be limited in its area of applicability to avoid distortion and fit within the defined coordinate bounds.
The SPATIAL_REF_SYS table used by PostGIS is an OGC-compliant database table that defines the availablespatial reference systems.It holds the numeric SRIDs and textual descriptions of the coordinate systems.
The PostGIS spatial_ref_sys table contains over 3000 of the most common spatial reference system definitions that are handled by the PROJ projection library. But there are many coordinate systems that it does not contain. You can add SRS definitions to the table if you have the required information about the spatial reference system. Or, you can define your own custom spatial reference system if you are familiar with PROJ constructs. Keep in mind that most spatial reference systems are regional and have no meaning when used outside of the bounds they were intended for.
You can even define non-Earth-based coordinate systems, such as Mars 2000 This Mars coordinate system is non-planar (it's in degrees spheroidal), but you can use it with the geography type to obtain length and proximity measurements in meters instead of degrees.
You can create a table to store geometry data using the CREATE TABLE SQL statement with a column of type geometry. The following example creates a table with a geometry column storing 2D (XY) LineStrings in the BC-Albers coordinate system (SRID 3005):
Creates raster catalogues from all raster files found in the selected directory. Catalogues are split according to the coordinate reference system used by the different raster files. Output are polygon layers that show the extent for each raster file in it. Each extent is attributed with the original file path and raster system properties.The "GDAL Raster Import" tool imports grid data from various file formats using the "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" (GDAL) by Frank Warmerdam. For more information have a look at the GDAL homepage: GDAL Version:3.0.0Following raster formats are currently supported:IDNameVRTVirtual RasterDERIVEDDerived datasets using VRT pixel functionsGTiffGeoTIFFNITFNational Imagery Transmission FormatRPFTOCRaster Product Format TOC formatECRGTOCECRG TOC formatHFAErdas Imagine Images (.img)SAR_CEOSCEOS SAR ImageCEOSCEOS ImageJAXAPALSARJAXA PALSAR Product Reader (Level 1.1/1.5)GFFGround-based SAR Applications Testbed File Format (.gff)ELASELASAIGArc/Info Binary GridAAIGridArc/Info ASCII GridGRASSASCIIGridGRASS ASCII GridSDTSSDTS RasterDTEDDTED Elevation RasterPNGPortable Network GraphicsJPEGJPEG JFIFMEMIn Memory RasterJDEMJapanese DEM (.mem)GIFGraphics Interchange Format (.gif)BIGGIFGraphics Interchange Format (.gif)ESATEnvisat Image FormatBSBMaptech BSB Nautical ChartsXPMX11 PixMap FormatBMPMS Windows Device Independent BitmapDIMAPSPOT DIMAPAirSARAirSAR Polarimetric ImageRS2RadarSat 2 XML ProductSAFESentinel-1 SAR SAFE ProductPCIDSKPCIDSK Database FilePCRasterPCRaster Raster FileILWISILWIS Raster MapSGISGI Image File Format 1.0SRTMHGTSRTMHGT File FormatLevellerLeveller heightfieldTerragenTerragen heightfieldISIS3USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3)ISIS2USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 2)PDSNASA Planetary Data SystemPDS4NASA Planetary Data System 4VICARMIPL VICAR fileTILEarthWatch .TILERSERMapper .ers LabelledJP2OpenJPEGJPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG libraryL1BNOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data SetFITFIT ImageGRIBGRIdded Binary (.grb, .grb2)RMFRaster Matrix FormatWCSOGC Web Coverage ServiceWMSOGC Web Map ServiceMSGNEUMETSAT Archive native (.nat)RSTIdrisi Raster A.1INGRIntergraph RasterGSAGGolden Software ASCII Grid (.grd)GSBGGolden Software Binary Grid (.grd)GS7BGGolden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd)COSARCOSAR Annotated Binary Matrix (TerraSAR-X)TSXTerraSAR-X ProductCOASPDRDC COASP SAR Processor RasterRR Object Data StoreMAPOziExplorer .MAPKMLSUPEROVERLAYKml Super OverlayPDFGeospatial PDFRasterliteRasterliteMBTilesMBTilesPLMOSAICPlanet Labs Mosaics APICALSCALS (Type 1)WMTSOGC Web Map Tile ServiceSENTINEL2Sentinel 2MRFMeta Raster FormatPNMPortable Pixmap Format (netpbm)DOQ1USGS DOQ (Old Style)DOQ2USGS DOQ (New Style)PAuxPCI .aux LabelledMFFVexcel MFF RasterMFF2Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) RasterFujiBASFuji BAS Scanner ImageGSCGSC GeogridFASTEOSAT FAST FormatBTVTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 FormatLANErdas .LAN/.GISCPGConvair PolGASPIDAImage Data and AnalysisNDFNLAPS Data FormatEIRErdas Imagine RawDIPExDIPExLCPFARSITE v.4 Landscape File (.lcp)GTXNOAA Vertical Datum .GTXLOSLASNADCON .los/.las Datum Grid ShiftNTv1NTv1 Datum Grid ShiftNTv2NTv2 Datum Grid ShiftCTable2CTable2 Datum Grid ShiftACE2ACE2SNODASSnow Data Assimilation SystemKROKOLOR RawROI_PACROI_PAC rasterRRASTERR RasterBYNNatural Resources Canada's GeoidARGAzavea Raster Grid formatRIKSwedish Grid RIK (.rik)USGSDEMUSGS Optional ASCII DEM (and CDED)GXFGeoSoft Grid Exchange FormatNWT_GRDNorthwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tabNWT_GRCNorthwood Classified Grid Format .grc/.tabADRGARC Digitized Raster GraphicsSRPStandard Raster Product (ASRP/USRP)BLXMagellan topo (.blx)PostGISRasterPostGIS Raster driverSAGASAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat, .sg-grd-z)IGNFHeightASCIIGridIGN France height correction ASCII GridXYZASCII Gridded XYZHF2HF2/HFZ heightfield rasterOZIOziExplorer Image FileCTGUSGS LULC Composite Theme GridE00GRIDArc/Info Export E00 GRIDZMapZMap Plus GridNGSGEOIDNOAA NGS Geoid Height GridsIRISIRIS data (.PPI, .CAPPi etc)PRFRacurs PHOTOMOD PRFRDADigitalGlobe Raster Data Access driverEEDAIEarth Engine Data API ImageEEDAEarth Engine Data APIDAASAirbus DS Intelligence Data As A Service driverSIGDEMScaled Integer Gridded DEM .sigdemGNMFileGeographic Network generic file based modelGNMDatabaseGeographic Network generic DB based modelDB2ODBCIBM DB2 Spatial DatabaseESRI ShapefileESRI ShapefileMapInfo FileMapInfo FileUK .NTFUK .NTFOGR_SDTSSDTSS57IHO S-57 (ENC)DGNMicrostation DGNOGR_VRTVRT - Virtual DatasourceRECEPIInfo .REC MemoryMemoryBNAAtlas BNACSVComma Separated Value (.csv)NASNAS - ALKISGMLGeography Markup Language (GML)GPXGPXLIBKMLKeyhole Markup Language (LIBKML)KMLKeyhole Markup Language (KML)GeoJSONGeoJSONGeoJSONSeqGeoJSON SequenceESRIJSONESRIJSONTopoJSONTopoJSONInterlis 1Interlis 1Interlis 2Interlis 2OGR_GMTGMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt)GPKGGeoPackageSQLiteSQLite / SpatialiteODBCODBCWAsPWAsP .map formatPGeoESRI Personal GeoDatabaseMSSQLSpatialMicrosoft SQL Server Spatial DatabasePostgreSQLPostgreSQL/PostGISMySQLMySQLOpenFileGDBESRI FileGDBXPlaneX-Plane/Flightgear aeronautical dataDXFAutoCAD DXFCADAutoCAD DriverGeoconceptGeoconceptGeoRSSGeoRSSGPSTrackMakerGPSTrackMakerVFKCzech Cadastral Exchange Data FormatPGDUMPPostgreSQL SQL dumpOSMOpenStreetMap XML and PBFGPSBabelGPSBabelSUATim Newport-Peace's Special Use Airspace FormatOpenAirOpenAirOGR_PDSPlanetary Data Systems TABLEWFSOGC WFS (Web Feature Service)WFS3OGC WFS 3 client (Web Feature Service)HTFHydrographic Transfer VectorAeronavFAAAeronav FAAGeomediaGeomedia .mdbEDIGEOFrench EDIGEO exchange formatGFTGoogle Fusion TablesSVGScalable Vector GraphicsCouchDBCouchDB / GeoCouchCloudantCloudant / CouchDBIdrisiIdrisi Vector (.vct)ARCGENArc/Info GenerateSEGUKOOASEG-P1 / UKOOA P1/90SEGYSEG-YODSOpen Document/ LibreOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet XLSXMS Office Open XML spreadsheetElasticSearchElastic SearchWalkWalkCartoCartoSXFStorage and eXchange FormatSelafinSelafinJMLOpenJUMP JMLPLSCENESPlanet Labs Scenes APICSWOGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web)VDVVDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data FormatGMLASGeography Markup Language (GML) driven by application schemasMVTMapbox Vector TilesTIGERU.S. Census TIGER/LineAVCBinArc/Info Binary CoverageAVCE00Arc/Info E00 (ASCII) CoverageNGWNextGIS WebGenBinGeneric Binary (.hdr Labelled)ENVIENVI .hdr LabelledEHdrESRI .hdr LabelledISCEISCE rasterHTTPHTTP Fetching Wrapper 2ff7e9595c